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Jenga Clock

An iOS application designed as a virtual chess clock tailored for Jenga enthusiasts. It features dual timers, customizable settings, and sound and haptic alerts to enhance the game. The app also includes a minimalist, user-friendly interface, ensuring a smooth and competitive Jenga experience with friends.

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Cloud Icon

Cloud Server and Cloud suite of apps

A project consisting of a Cloud Server for macOS and Cloud client applications (iOS, macOS, Web). The server app transforms spare storage space on an old computer into a secure cloud-like file storage server. It operates within local networks and offers remote access functionality. Data is encrypted, and administrators can password-protect the database. Each database supports multiple users, ideal for families or offices. Client applications provide easy file access and can map files as virtual folders via FileProvider API integration on macOS and iOS.

© 2024 Adam Kopeć · Built with Gatsby